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  11月2日,在北京四季酒店隔壁的Hello Mart购物商场,2021年“梦想中欧”中国欧盟青少年画展拉开序幕,此次展览将持续到12月31日。中国欧盟青少年画展由欧盟驻华代表团自2011年开始主办,今年已是第10个年头,尽管疫情存在,中欧青少年之间的这一交流活动没有中断。




  画展评委将从中欧双方作品中评选出金奖各一名, 银奖各两名,铜奖各三名。



 2021 "Dreams of Europe and China" EU-China Children’s Drawing Exhibition Kicks Off

Beijing, 5 November 2021


  On 2 November, at the Hello Mart shopping mall next to the Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing, the 2021 "Dreams of Europe and China" exhibition opened. This exhibition of paintings by children from both China and the EU will run until 31 December. The "Dreams of Europe and China" exhibitionhave been organized by the EU Delegation in China since 2011, and is now celebrating its 10th year. Despite constraints caused by the COVID pandemic, this exchange between Chinese and European children continues.

  The theme of this year's edition takes inspiration from the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15), which took place last October in Kunming. The exhibition features 126 drawings from Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Sweden, Malta, Italy and other EU countries, as well as more than 1,000 drawings by Chinese children in Hong Kong, Pingyao, Xi'an, Xianyang and Yangxian. Through artistic work, the children have expressed their own individual understanding of biodiversity conservation.

  On the eve of the exhibition launch, EU Ambassador Nicolas Chapuis addressed the children, saying: "We must work all together to protect people and the planet. Sometimes, we think that it is only Governments’ duty to do all the work. But it is indeed the work of all of us. And we need active participation of young generations. " "In these competition and exhibitions, you have the opportunity to explore your imagination, creativity and artistic skills, but also to learn about each other’s views." "I hope you will grow up happily, and become a messenger of exchanges between the EU and China."

  As in previous years, the 2021 exhibition will also be held in other cities: Pingyao, Shanxi (6 - 30 November), Xi'an, Shaanxi (4 - 20 December), Xianyang (5 - 31 December), and Yangxian (exact dates in December to be confirmed).

  The exhibition’s jury will select the best 12 works and award one gold, two silver and three bronze medals respectively to works from both China and Europe.

  For more information, please visit: www.mengxiangzhongou.com

  Press & Information Sector

  Delegation of the European Union to China

