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Portugal assumes the rotating presidency of the EU in the first half of 2021
  The EU Embassy in China held a press conference in the embassy on January 26, 2021 on the occasion of Portugal assuming the rotating presidency of the EU for the first half of 2021. His Excellency Nicolas Chapuis, the European Union's Ambassador to China, His Excellency José Augusto Duarte, the Portuguese Ambassador to China, and Ms. Laurence Vandewalle, Acting Director of the European Union's Office of Government Affairs and Press and Information attended the press conference. 
  欧盟驻华大使馆于2021年1月26日在使馆内举办了葡萄牙担任2021欧盟上半年轮值主席国的新闻发布会。欧盟驻华大使郁白(Nicolas Chapuis)阁下和葡萄牙驻华大使杜傲杰(José Augusto Duarte)阁下以及欧盟政务、新闻信息处代理处长露安(Laurence Vandewalle)女士共同出席新闻发布会。

    His Excellency José Augusto Duarte, Portuguese ambassador to China, introduced Portugal's work goals and priorities during the first half of the EU presidency.
   First Africa. Portuguese Presidencies have a very positive record when it comes to fostering EU-Africa relations and we hope that 2021 will continue that trend.
  • First is economic recovery, while taking full advantage of the green and digital transitions. As we are all acutely aware, the pandemic has had a very strong impact in our economies. At the same time,      we are faced with the challenges of a dual transition - to greener and digital societies;
• Doing so will obviously have a social impact. That is where our second priority comes in. In fact, as we aim to defend and protect our way of 肝e and the European Social Model we have made the social dimension the second pillar of our work programme. The aim is to ensure that no one is left behind in Europe. The Social Summit we will organize in May, in Oporto, will be the right occasion to reaffirm just that and to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights;
  • Allot this will be done by a country convinced of the positive impact of globalization and of free and fair trade. However, one who is also very much aware of the challenges we face - some brought about by the pandemic. That is why our third priority is to strengthen Europe's strategic autonomy, while remaining open to the world. In fact, we do not believe in protectionism, though we know we need to reinforce our autonomy, diversify our value chains and reduce our dependence on critical goods and technology. This is something we need to do for ourselves. It is not directed against
  There are many domains where we can take this forward. Climate change is the immediate example, as both the EU and China are highly committed to tackle it in a joint, multilateral and cooperative environment. We welcome the commitments announced by President Xi and are confident that the ones agreed by the EU will be followed on during this semester. Both will allow us to work together, be it during UN Biodiversity Summit in Kunming or the COP26 in Glasgow. In all of them, we hope to work together in the multilateral sphere, coordinating our priorities and striving for a common plan of action. Such as on the negotiations of the EU-China Joint Declaration on Climate, which we would all like to see progress.
  葡萄牙驻华大使杜傲杰(José Augusto Duarte)阁下在发布会上介绍了葡萄牙在担任欧盟上半年轮值主席国期间的工作目标以及工作重点。以及在合作许多国家和地区的三个要点:
  我们可以在许多领域推动这一进程。气候变化就是一个直接的例子,因为欧盟和中国都高度致力于在联合、多边和合作的环境中应对气候变化。无论是在昆明举行的联合国生物多样性峰会上,还是在格拉斯哥举行的COP26大会上,这两者都将使我们能够共同努力。在所有这些问题上,我们都希望在多边领域共同努力,协调我们的优先事项,努力制定一项共同的行动计划。比如关于欧中气候联合宣言的谈判,我们都希望看到进展。(《世界中国》杂志 丝绸之路杂志)